Branko Ivanda director

Birth: 25. 12. 1941., Split

Ivanda took a degree in directing from the Academy for Theatre, Film and Television (today Academy for Drama Arts) in Zagreb. In the 60’s, he was active as a film critic; in the 70’s and first half of the 80’s, he generated an outstanding opus of television dramas (Zec, 1975; Smrt maturanta Wagnera, 1976; Bombaški proces, 1978; Špijunska veza, 1980; U logoru, 1984). In 1983 his TV-film Nocturno, originally from 1974, an adaptation of the story by Ksaver Šandor Ðalski, was transferred to 35mm and shown in theatres under the title Noć poslije smrti. He is the author of the TV-drama Sestre (1992) and documentary film Poezija i revolucija - studentski štrajk 1971 (2000). Another one of his feature films is his modernist debut Gravitacija ili fantastična mladost činovnika Borisa Horvata (1968). Since 1981, he has taught television directing at the Academy for Drama Arts in Zagreb.

Pula ’68 - diploma as the director of the film Gravitacija ili fantastična mladost činovnika Borisa Horvata

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