Berislav Makarović director

Birth: 23. 8. 1933., Kičevo, Makedonija

He studied art history at the University of Philosophy in Zagreb. In 1964, Makarović started to direct for Television Zagreb (today known as Croatian television). His most famous projects include the TV-series Tu pokraj nas (1965) and Maratonci (1968), the TV-films Kipić (1972) and Pravednik (1974), both based on Mirko Božić’s motifs. During the 1970s, he directed short educational films, so called element-films, produced by Filmoteka 16. He is also an eminent author of commercial films (e.g. Hotel "Lav", 1976). In the 1980s, he made his documentaries Petrova Gora (1984) and Slavonija u NOB (1987). His most distinguished work is the popular humorous war TV series, Mačak pod šljemom (1978), based on the novel with the same title by Joža Horvat. Afterwards he made his only feature film, Snađi se, druže, based on this TV series.

Snađi se, druže

Year: 1981

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