Bogdan Žižić director

Birth: 8. 11. 1934., Solin

Death: 29. 4. 2021.

He is one of the most productive Croatian authors of short documentaries and feature films (some of them experimental), that have often won awards at international festivals (Oberhausen, Leipzig, Krakow, Sofia, Trieste, New York, Atlanta, etc). He took a degree in law from the University of Law in Zagreb, and made his directing debut with the documentary, Poplava (1964), about a big flood in Zagreb. His other renowned documentaries include Pohvala ruci (1968) about a violinmaker, Otkopčati dugme (1968) about rehabilitation of handicapped children, Ivana (1981) about a handicapped girl, and Goli otok (1994), confessions of a former prisoner of the notorious Communist casemate. He is the author of outstanding documentaries devoted to art - Ekspresionizam u hrvatskom slikarstvu (1985), Emanuel Vidović (1989), Celestin Medović (1991), Vlaho Bukovac (1994). Especially acclaimed is his opus of short feature films, which includes films with fantasy and surrealist elements, Madeleine, mon amour! (1971) and Putovanje (1972). Most of his feature films belong to the socially critical trend of Croatian film of the 1970s. He was the first director whose two debut films, Kuća and Ne naginji se van, won Golden Arenas for Best Film at the Pula film festival. He directed the TV drama Kuća duhova (1998), based on Ksaver Šandor Gjalski’s prose. In the second half of 1980s and at the beginning of 1990s, he was the managing director of Zagreb film.

Daj što daš

Year: 1979


Year: 1975

Ne naginji se van

Year: 1977

Cijena života

Year: 1994

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