Eduard Galić director

Birth: 11. 8. 1936., Trogir

He directed many popular TV dramas and series. Galić took a degree in archeology from the University of Philosophy in Zagreb, and started to work on film in the mid-1960s, when he made many visually perfect and meditative short films, documentaries and feature films. While working for Television Zagreb (today Croatian Radiotelevision), he directed many TV-series, such as Dnevnik Očenašeka (1968, based on Vjekoslav Majer), Nikola Tesla (1977), Nepokoreni grad (1981) and Putovanje u Vučjak (1986, based on Miroslav Krleža; the series was based on the original feature film Horvatov izbor), TV-film Tomo Bakran (1978, based on Miroslav Krleža). For Television Belgrade (today Serbian television) he directed the TV series Dimitrije Tucović (1973) and Svetozar Marković (1980, also a film). In 1990s, he made a few coolly received TV dramas (e.g. Jaguar, 1992; Olovna pričest, 1995). He is the author of a rigid nationalist drama Sokak triju ruža (1992, based on Ivan Aralica).

Crne ptice

Year: 1967

Horvatov izbor

Year: 1985

Svetozar Marković

Year: 1980

Šesti autobus

Year: 2022.

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