Ja sam tvoj Bog film

Production year: 1983

Duration: 88 minuta

Technique: color


Maycug, Zvonimir

Production house:
FRZ Panonija film

Paprica Željko

A woman tired from traveling finds a room for the night in a Bosnian village. There she has erotic fantasies and dreams…

Ružica Sokić, Senada Latić, Ismet Veljić, Maja Mršić, Zvonimir Maycug

Country of production:
Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Zvonimir Maycug

Music by:

Edited by:
Dragan Huzjak

Set designer:
Mile Kojić

Costume designer:

This debut film by Zvonimir Maycug is so-called “soft porn” with humorous sequences, and has not ever been shown in theatres. Among other reasons is the fact that the popular actress from Belgrade, Ružica Sokić, disapproved of it, as she was allegedly pulled into doing this project without a clear description of what the job entailed, (Ružica Sokić plays the traveler with sexual fantasies, which were filmed with non-professional actors). This film was screened only in private.

Screening permit: December 8, 1983

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