Mario Fanelli director

Birth: 13. 5. 1924., San Benedetto del Tronto, Italija

Fanelli was one of the pioneers of television production in Croatia and former Yugoslavia. He studied economics at the University of Economy in Zagreb. He was the author of many TV-dramas, often based on Miroslav Krleža’s prose (e.g. Adam i Eva), TV-series Punom parom (1978), which was very popular because of its convincing critique of Communist praxis, as well as the TV-series Baza na Dunavu. He also made several documentaries, among them the feature documentary Spod te Učke gori (1973). Based on Krleža’s novel Cvrčak pod vodopadom, he made his only feature film Put u raj (1970).

Put u raj

Year: 1970

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