Darko Vernić-Bundi director

Birth: 9. 4. 1952., Zagreb

Death: 31. 3. 2000., Zagreb

He studied at the London Technical and Art College, and took a degree from the University of Traffic in Zagreb. He started to work on film as an amateur when he was a boy. Later, he made many short experimental films, a smaller number of short feature films and a few documentaries (mostly dealing with art, e.g. Augustinčić; Rabuzin; Generalić, all from 1982). For a number of years, he worked for Television Zagreb, and later Croatian radiotelevision. He is most famous as the author of the TV show about animation, Animavizija. He was the author of the cult feature film, Izgubljeno blago, made by his own production company Crna ovca, shot over many years with an ultra-low budget.

Izgubljeno blago

Year: 1996

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