Slobodan Praljak director

Birth: 2. 1. 1945., Čapljina, Bosna i Hercegovina

Praljak graduated from the University of Electrical Engineering, University of Philosophy and the Academy for Theatre, Film and Television (now the Academy of Drama Arts) in Zagreb. In the 70’s and 80’s he worked as a theatre director in Zagreb, Osijek and Mostar. He also directed the TV series Blesan i tulipan, the TV dramas Novela od Stanca (based on Marin Držić), and Sargaško more, the documentary Smrt psa (1980), and documentary video films Sandžak, and Duhan (both made in 1990). During the war in Croatia and Bosnia he was a famous but controversial General (he is informally considered to have ordered the destruction of the Old Bridge in Mostar).

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