Anticasanova film

Production year: 1985

Duration: 93 minute

Technique: color


Tadej, Vladimir

Production house:
Master film Ltd. (London)
Jadran film

Trbuljak Goran

A beautiful girl, Maja, moves into an apartment on the highest floor of a skyscraper. Forty-year-old Mirko lives in the apartment below her. He is an exemplary husband and father of two and works in a discography company Diskoton. Maja has ambitions to become a successful singer. Mirko tries to help, as well as seduce, the beautiful new girl. Mirko's friend Stipe, an experienced womanizer, helps him with his plans. However, there is a bizarre twist...

David Bluestone (Mirko), Elisa Tebith, Milena Dravić (Maja), Ljubiša Samardžić (Stipe), Relja Bašić, Josip Marotti, Brigid O'Hara, Claudia Lyster, Semka Sokolović-Bertok, Cintija Ašperger, etc.

Country of production:
Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (Socialist Republic of Croatia)/Great Britain

Vladimir Tadej

Music by:
Arsen Dedić

Edited by:
Vesna Lažeta

Set designer:
Vladimir Tadej

Costume designer:

This is a situational comedy with erotic elements, made in a Croatian-British co-production. The film did not attract much attention from either the audience or the critics.

Screening permit: from June 27, 1985

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