Hrvoje Hribar director

Birth: 13. 7. 1962., Zagreb

Hribar studied film and television directing at the Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb. For a short time he worked as a film critic. In his student days, he gained attention with his short feature film Prestanite jesti (1987), a stylized satire dealing with the theme of the scientific treatment of feeding. He distinguished himself as the author of a television film, Hrvatske katedrale (1991/92), a comic-thriller. Similar, but with more elements of a melodrama, is his debut feature film Puška za uspavljivanje. He also directed a commercial advertising short film about Zagreb, Between Zagluhl and Zacharijas (1993), short documentary-feature film Bil jedon (2001) and the TV-series Novo doba (2002). He is also the author of some eminent radio dramas.

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