Carevo novo ruho film

Production year: 1961

Duration: 80 minuta

Technique: 35mm standard, color


Babaja, Ante

Production house:
Zora film

Miletić Oktavijan

Everyone tries to please the authoritarian and childish emperor. The only one who refuses to overlook the emperor’s metaphoric and real nudity is the king’s fool…

Stevo Vujatović (emperor), Ana Karić (Vergilija), Antun Nalis (knight), Saša Violić (emperor’s wife), Vanja Drach (fool), Josip Petričić, Ivo Kadić, Mato Grković, Zlatko Madunić

Country of production:
Federative National Republic of Yugoslavia (National Republic of Croatia)

Božidar Violić (based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen)

Music by:
Anđelko Klobučar

Edited by:
Boris Tešija

Set designer:
Zvonimir Lončarić

Costume designer:
Jagoda Buić

Ante Babaja made his debut with this feature film. It is famous for its so-called high key cinematography which combined with the minimalist set design based on white surfaces, creates an intriguing artificial ambience as a logical environment for the allegorical story. The allegory is in fact a critique of any authoritarian and foolish system.

Awards: Pula 61' - Diploma for costume design

Screening permit: from 29 of May, 1961.

Export: DR Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Bulgaria

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